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Ep 24 – Short Term Rental Horror Stories & The Lessons Learned (Halloween Special)


Michael Sjogren – Michael is a short-term rental expert and coach. He has a portfolio of STR properties across 5 states as well as an oceanfront boutique hotel. Michael brings a wealth of finance, business, and real estate experience. He is passionate about helping others create financial independence through real estate so they can pursue their passions and leave their mark on the world.

Emanuele Pani – Commercial and Residential Real Estate Consultant at Signature International Real Estate. Has a degree in accounting and finance. Started his real estate journey working as maintenance until the owner decided to sell the 40 unit apartment building to Emanuele Pani.


03:55  1st Halloween horror story from Mike, one of our mastermind students.

07:09  2nd Halloween horror story from Ken from Saskatoon, Canada.

10:34  3rd Halloween horror story from Holly.

17:06  Emanuele’s horror stories.

21:15  Cleaning services and systems.

23:18  Mike’s advice – Depersonalize the house

24:21  Mike’s 1st horror story.

28:24  Mike’s 2nd horror story.

33:09  Don’t feel bad about being hard on people.

33:55  Emanuele’s mystery story.

35:58  The key to success in any business.

38:37  The lesson/case in point.

39:17  Get the free 30-minute training on system breakdowns.


“If you know you might have problems, don’t run away from them embrace

them because if you’re telling the narrative that always helps.” – Emanuele Pani

“It’s just understanding, if something happens, having a process in place to get

everything documented, who to contact, get everything processed and keep it moving.” Michael Sjogren


Michael Sjogren:  Facebook Group |  Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Youtube

Emanuele Pani: Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Youtube