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Ep. 103 Sober Curious, Trend or Movement? with Sydney Eason, Co-Founder, Eason Branding

What started out as dry January has morphed into a sober movement where people are abstaining from alcohol due to a number of reasons: Perhaps they overindulged during the pandemic, they want better physical and mental health, or perhaps folks are simply tired of being hungover.

According to a Forbes article (Jan 2023) the sober movement is driven by Millennials and Gen Z who are not big on drinking. Sober Bars offer a non alcoholic option for those who want to participate in the ritual of celebration and socializing while enjoying a sexy non alcoholic craft cocktail or non alcoholic wine or beer. Study researcher, Gretchen Andsager for NCSolutions says, ” This is a growing industry trend and the market value is between $8 billion and $11 billion for low and no alcohol beverages, so it’s definitely a growing industry in general that many companies are starting to tap into”.

Our guest this week is Sydney Eason, Co-Founder of Eason Branding, a Hospitality Branding and Marketing Firm. Sydney discusses the emerging sober movement, the various non-alcoholic options available, how hotels and restaurants can build out their non-alcohol programs and more.

IG: @easonbranding

Sober Bars

NYC: Hekate East Village, Sechey West Village, Absence of Proof / Houston: Better Luck Tomorrow, Monkey’s Tail, Daily Gather / Austin: Sans Bar/ San Francisco: Ocean Beach Cafe/ Chicago: Benedicion Dry Bar, Prazbar/ Washington DC: Binge Bar/ Phoenix: The Nixer

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