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Embracing Vulnerability to Maximise Your Leadership Potential.

Today I focus on the importance of vulnerability in leadership, particularly its role in strengthening relationships and building trust amongst team members. 

I share how accepting and owning up to mistakes can create psychological safety within a team and inspire innovation and progress. 

I also give you some practical advice on how to show your vulnerable side, such as sharing personal experiences and openly discussing challenges, along with emphasising on the importance of active listening. 

We cover

🔑Vulnerability in Leadership
🔑Understanding the Importance of Vulnerability
 🔑The Role of Vulnerability in Building Trust
🔑Vulnerability and Innovation
🔑Vulnerability in Decision Making
🔑Vulnerability and Personal Growth
🔑Practical Steps to Embrace Vulnerability
🔑Creating a Resilient Team Culture through Vulnerability
🔑The Power of Vulnerability in Shaping Organisational Culture
🔑The Transformative Power of Vulnerability