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227. Improve Your Writing For Rules & Policies

In today’s digital age, the bulk of our interactions with guests happen through written communication—be it through Airbnb messages, emails, or text messages. While this modern convenience allows for efficiency and clarity, it also poses unique challenges. Without the benefit of face-to-face interaction, ensuring your message is both clear and warmly received requires a nuanced approach.

This episode sheds light on the art of written communication for short-term rental hosts, focusing on crafting house rules and guest messages that are inviting rather than intimidating.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Embrace Emojis for Tone
  • Focus on Positives
  • Explain the Why
  • Be Clear and Concise
  • Visual Enhancement

Remember, the goal is not just to inform but to make your guests feel at ease and excited about their stay. Check out our resources for templates and further tips on elevating your Airbnb listing through effective communication.

Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

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