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Control and Independence with featured guest Damian Sheridan

Fresh off of a successful third conference (second in-person) Damian Sheridan joins the show after a whirlwind week in Europe.

The founder of The Book Direct Network & Book Direct Show sits down and tells us his story. and give us his takeaways on getting back together face to face and what it means for the industry.

Quick to point out that he did not invent the book direct movement, Damian shares his passion for empowering hosts and property managers with the tools and mindset necessary to be successful in this space.  He also states that “the two biggest words in the direct movement are control and independence”.

With that said, Damian does not endorse getting rid of OTAs altogether but suggests utilizing a healthy balance of direct and listed to get the results one desires.

The No BS Short Term Rental Podcast brings the right people to the table at the right time giving their audience an inside view and real take on the industry like no other.