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168. Renting Your Property By the Hour

Have you thought about renting by the hour? I know what you’re thinking… Tim you have stooped too low. I’m not about to start running a brothel. Besides, even if I wanted to, that’s not even legal. No, I’m not talking about running a brothel. The truth is there are lots of legal, productive, and lucrative ways to rent your short-term rental by the hour. The best part, if your property is already set up there not much more to do! The platform is here. So, let’s dive in! We will discuss:

  • Is renting by the hour a good idea? 

  • How the platform works 

  • Opportunities & Risks

  • Who this is right for

  • Challenges

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Get a copy of my 12 proven house rules to protect your property from almost every negative situation (highly recommended) 

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