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166. You’re Leaving These Items For Your Guests…But You Probably You Don’t Need To

As occupancy around the nation has slowed slightly (although not in all markets) we really need to consider our expenses. Afterall, we earn more if our expenses are less! There is one consumable item I have been using in my properties for years but just realized something… Maybe we don’t actually need it. Well, we’re now testing that theory. And the chances are you might not need to be leaving this consumable item as well (and I can guarantee it’s something you are currently leaving). I’ve found that Hotels (even with kitchens) don’t leave this for their guests either so after reviewing how much it was costing us we have decided to cut this expense. This week we will discuss:

  • The consumable items we leave guests and whether they are all necessary
  • Have you considered alternatives?
  • Do you know how much they are costing you?
  • Will forgetting something lead to a bad review

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